Hi Everyone!
Because I enjoy reading so much I decided to try my hand at writing my own novel. Writing a novel is not easy nor is it a fast process so any extra help along the way would be greatly appreciated. The best way to support is through simple feedback. Im still trying to figure out how to post my work on this website so bear with me as I get used to using Squarespace.
Chapter 1
Triaina cautiously made his over the rocky crags. His eyes glued on every step his bare and blistered feet took. One wrong move on these windy bluffs and he would forever sink below the waves, that collided into the cliff that he so dearly clung too. Triaina slowly but surely made his way forward along the ledge, sticking close to the wall of rock like those little volcanic newts that made their dens in the area. As he looked up into the sky the sun had only traveled partway up. Soon he would arrive at his destination, a small cliff jutting out over the sea like a spear poised and ready to break through an enemy charge.
As the sun rose higher into the sky the rocky ledge slowly grew wider and wider until a clearing opened up. No longer must Triaina face the risk of falling into the roaring waves. The clearing was bare of all life except a small olive tree. The olive tree was ancient, its bark, white and weathered from the wind and waves. Its roots spread out over the black rock, in which its life began, winding their way through the cracks and crevices to hold on for dear life. The wiry emerald leaves reached out from the branches as if they were embracing the blue sky above.
The tree this time of the year was ripe and the branches sagged as if it was an old nag carrying a heavy burden. Triaina upon seeing this grew excited as he knew his journey was already half a success. Quickly rushing towards the tree Triaina put down his leather sack, as he gazed up to the tree that had stood strong since he had first escaped to this place his memories of finding this place came to the forefront of his mind.
A few years prior the present Triainas brother, Arley, had taken him to the market for the first time. The market had always been a magical place for the youth in the town. The bustling merchants yelling and bartering for the best deals created a busting and high-energy environment that was hard to experience anywhere else. The exotic and expensive goods were an eye-opener for the poorer boys who went window shopping to broaden their horizons. Triaina was excited he had never been allowed to go to the market as his grandmother repeatedly warned that where there is wealth there is danger.
Arley, already 15 years old, had been to the market many times before to trade his labor and meager catch for the necessities the family needed to survive. Arleys tan skin and well-toned muscles made him stick out amongst the youths in town, but the coarse aged tunic which he wore made passersby aware that this young man was from the lowest rung of society despite his strong bearing.
Since the death of his father Arley had done his best to provide for his little brother along with their aging grandmother by finding odd jobs in the market, from watching over stalls to carrying heavy loads in from the port. This laborious work caused him to mature faster. Recently Arley had gotten lucky break finding steady employment as an apprentice fletcher and bow maker and he was headed precisely to his master to see if Triaina could do odd chores around the crafts manor. “Triaina, here you can find just about anything under the sun including work, the master here is very good to me but make sure to be on your best behavior when you meet him.”
Triaina nodded expressing his consent, if one looked closely enough you could see his hardly contained excitement in his ocean blue eyes. Finding work meant that their small family would have another source of income taking some of the pressure off of Arleys shoulders. As their grandmother aged the costs of taking care of her also increased. In the past few months, she had aged to the point of being unable to leave the bed.
“Brother where do you intend to take me,” asked Triaina as he gazed around the market wide-eyed. “To the fletcher and bowyer where my master crafts some of the best bows around,” Arley responded.
As the brothers made their way towards the storefront the road market grew bigger. The Stores surrounding the area become larger and grander as the building themselves took on a solemn and aged appearance. The bowery was located right next to the district that housed the wealthy sons and daughters of the local upper class. This small building seemed almost out of place amongst the grand courtyards that were everywhere but that did nothing to lessen the flow of men going in and out of the store. A signboard hung over the wooden entrance depicted a drawn bow and glyphs that emanated a strong sense of sharpness and precision. Triaina growing up poor never learned how to read or write, these symbols meant nothing to him but he could tell that what was written was important.
Brother what does the signboard say?” as he scanned the sign with signs of embarrassment. Arley, knowing his numbers and common words that he had picked up in his odd jobs, looked at Triaina with a smile he relied on which a tone of solemnity and reverence, “It says Venatores Bows and Arrows and is the name of the shop and workshop that my master runs. Venatores is my master surname and it means Hunters in the old language. My Master grew up in a family of hunters that relied on bows to make a living for themselves. My master growing up in that environment knew exactly what a bow and arrow needed to bring out the best skills of a hunter and soldier. This is how he became the best bowmaker in the surrounding area. Little brother wait here for a bit as I go in and discuss your employment with Master Venatore.”
Triaina, still excited about the day journey nodded his head, agreeing that he would wait until Arley called for him. As Triaina waited the sun reached its peak in the sky. It shown down rays of light with an intense heat leaving Triaina covered in sweat and parched. Triaina trying to escape the heat decided he would wait in the nearby ally which was covered in the shadows of the luxurious manors that were plentiful in the area. As Triaina recovered from the sun under the shade he slowly closed his eyes. As a 9-year-old boy, the excitement of the day and the heat of the sun had consumed nearly all of his energy. Soundly falling asleep Triaina dreamt of his future, working alongside his brother crafting the best bows known to man.
As people continued along with their daily errands and work hardly no one noticed the young boy dressed in a second-hand tunic curled up in the forgotten corner of the ally. Triaina, being asleep, did not know that he had made himself a target. A group of wealthy young boys were browsing the local goods when they noticed Triaina. After seeing him curled up in a ragged tunic the group of boys quickly realized that Triaina was a penniless boy from the slums. They turned to each other each flashing a devilish grin realizing they would have a little fun.
As an orphan with no parents, Triaina was an easy target for the local group of bullies. The group was led by a menacing-looking boy with bright golden hair who carried a distinct sneer that was permanently etched into his face. As he motioned for the boys to surround Triaina, he yelled “There is no place in the market for a penniless orphan such as yourself.” Triaina did not awaken at the shout, he was still dreaming of his boundless future as a bow maker. Realizing that Triaina was not awakened by his shout the groups of boys turned to the golden-haired ring leader, “Aurelio this peasant seems to have not heard you call” Aurelio simply smiled and replied, “Than he must be tired of living ignoring a noble such as myself.” And with that rushed forward firmly kicking Triaina square in the chest.
Triaina was sent flying further back into the ally as he slammed into a manor's wall. Being startled awake by such an earthshattering kick his frail underdeveloped body did little to protect him from the older boys. As Triaina slowly came to his sense a burst of pain filled his chest as his ribs were stress fractured during the kick. Whipping the blood that was coming from his lips Triaina slowly got to his feet and got the first look at his assailants. In front of him a strong blond boy was emanating a sinister aura whose smile when from ear to ear. “look who decided to wake up, did you get approval to sleep outside of my family’s estates?” roared Aurelio. Triaina had never come across this situation before. As someone who had grown up in slums there was never a difference in social class between neighbors and as result conflicts were few and far between as everyone focused on their survival. No one had extra time or strength to pick a fight without good reason.
Triaina stood shakily as he leaned against the wall trying to catch his breath which had been so forcefully removed from his lungs. As he slowly recovered from the surprise attack the anger he felt rushed to his head without even a second thought he replied, “You do not own this ally what gives you the right to attack me unjustly, I did nothing to demand such a response?” Aurelio and the group of boys were shocked by this sudden outburst and their facial expressions showed signs of disbelief. Did this slum boy really just lecture them?
Aurelio's sneer grew even bigger as tried to hold back his laugher, “Do I need a reason? Your presence in this part of town is simply unwelcome, just the fact that I have to see someone of your status is a crime in and of itself.” Motioning for the boys to surround Triaina they menacingly made their way forward slowly closing the small gaps Triaina had to escape. Triaina seeing their reaction realized that this situation was not looking good and feeling the pain in his chest realized that he had to escape or he could very well lose his life here. His family could already barely afford their grandmother's medical fees. A fierce and desperate glint appeared in his sky blue eyes and he made his choice. With a shout, Triaina gritted his teeth and summoned forth all his energy in a last-ditch chance to escape. With a push off the wall to gain momentum, he ran towards the smallest looking boy in the group the distance between himself and freedom was only a mere 10 feet and if he could break free his chance of survival would be much greater than waiting for the beating that was surely coming his way. As Triana approached the small nobel boy he lowered his center of gravity making his bearing a small as possible and with this surprise action he was able to get out of the encirclement.
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