The Loch by Steve Alten

The Loch is a fantastic science fiction novel by Steve Alten that takes place in the Sargasso Sea and modern-day Loch Ness. Follow the main character, Zachary Wallace, as he struggles to overcome his childhood trauma while confronting murder and mystery surrounding Lake Loch Ness.

Zachary makes for a compelling protagonist due to his unique family background and scientific skill set, making him both barbaric and intelligent. This unique combination of character assets allows Steve Alten to explore various relationships within the novel, which will keep you wanting to read more. If your looking for a novel that is hard to put down The Loch is a must-read.

Steve Alten integrates various genres into one book. From including folklore and historical tidbits to romance, murder, and mystery, the story of Zachary Wallace and Lake Loch Ness will have something for readers of all backgrounds.

On a personal note, The Loch’s exploration of a father-son relationship and how each party reaches a balance is something I found very inspiring. The complex relationship between the main character and his father is a dynamic people can relate to as the expectations a father can place on their children are potentially harmful. The Loch shows the reader how a toxic relationship can have a lasting effect on a person and at the same time show that such a relationship and be brought around full circle.

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